fourwords (The Vinyl Gibbon)
The Vinyl Gibbons' fourwords EP has been highly rated by Derek Sivers, President of CD Baby:
“Mmm, yeah...that hazy, sexy, sensual ache of desperately smoky lounge meeting sex jazz, muted trumpet, really pointy extended jazz chords softened by sultry keyboards and a trip hoppy, 70's flashback groove that casts one hell of a spell over the mind, altering your consciousness like a refined substance, be it whiskey, cigarettes or something heavier. Using synthesizers and various instruments and colors to create a stealthy blend of beat, harmony and funky melody, fourwords is, at the very least, one hell of a party album."
Features list:
Four high quality mp3 audio files:
Dusk Trumpet (The Vinyl Gibbon) [fourwords].mp3
Esprit (The Vinyl Gibbon) [fourwords].mp3
Shady Wilson Cafe (The Vinyl Gibbon) [fourwords].mp3
Wax Up (The Vinyl Gibbon) [fourwords].mp3
Plus Seven PDF files of the original CD artwork